W3.CSS Template
Nerdyspecs Photography

Kat Silk

Photographer/Graphic Designer/Digital Artist/Editor

GD.jpg blue.jpg laney.jpg lane.jpg
nef.JPG Fall.JPG shot5.jpg


We are a media design service that focus on what's best for what's best for you!

What we do and what we offer. I am skilled in editing photos, creating invites with photos involved, and working with Adobe products,


We are a company that strongy believes in creativity. As it is the main aspect for most works of art. But, as it is said, you cannot have creativity without a little logic. My dream is to help people be who they truly want to be with my art, weather that be

Our designers are thoughtfully chosen:

Kat Silk

CEO and Founder

My name is Kat silk, and I am the creator of this site, if you have any questions, feel free to message me at Katsilk16@gmail.com!


Do you want art that is made specifically for you? Don't miss out! contact me today! :)

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